Monday, April 12, 2010

The Heritage Foundation Loves Healthcare Reform! The Heritage Foundation Hates Healthcare Reform!

There's nothing more blissfully entertaining than watching the ongoing contortions of the educated right as they attempt to rationalize why they loved healthcare back when it was Mitt Romney's conservative reform bill, but hate it now that it's Obama's, virtually identical, reform bill.

ThinkProgress has the goods.

– Heritage On Romney’s Individual Mandate: “Not an unreasonable position, and one that is clearly consistent with conservative values.” [Heritage, 1/28/06]

– Heritage On President Obama’s Individual Mandate: “Both unprecedented and unconstitutional.” [Heritage, 12/9/09]

– Heritage On Romney’s Insurance Exchange: An “innovative mechanism to promote real consumer choice.” [Heritage, 4/20/06]

– Heritage On President Obama’s Insurance Exchange: Creates a “de facto public option” by “grow[ing]” government control over healthcare.” [Heritage, 3/30/10]

– Heritage On Romney’s Medicaid Expansion: Reduced “the total cost to taxpayers” by taking people out of the “uncompensated care pool.” [Heritage, 1/28/06]

– Heritage On President Obama’s Medicaid Expansion: Expands a “broken entitlement program,” providing a “low-quality, poorly functioning program.” [Heritage, 3/30/10]

- Lee Fang

Poor Heritage Foundation's a-hurt! An about face like that is liable to give you whiplash.

But then, that's the trouble with this debate. Obama compromised so sharply on this bill that there's really no standing room to his right. You can criticize this bill for not being liberal enough. You could contend that it's not big enough. You could probably argue that it's not necessary, but inasmuch as that involves shackling yourself to the bloated monstrous landfill that is our current healthcare system, conservatives have been understandably reluctant to embrace this form of ritual suicide.

Which pretty much leaves lying like hell. Here's hoping no one notices.